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How to Shop for Tires in a Recession

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How to Shop for Tires in a Recession

Here are a few suggestions to reduce the sting of buying tires when credit and discretionary spending is tightened.

Used Tires

If you know what to look for, used tires can offer buyers an excellent value. Opt for tires with a manufacturing date code of no older than five years. Rubber degrades over time and loses elasticity, especially if it's not stored in a climate controlled area free of UV light. As a tire is used, the rubber wears faster. Look for tires with 80 percent tread or more remaining. Tread depth gauges can be purchased for under $7 and can help you determine how much tread is remaining. You can search on google for how much tread the tire comes with and see how much tread is remaining. Look for signs of even wear across the tire and on both edges of the tires. Run your hand across the width of the tire, see if there are any flat spots that could potentially cause a noisy, uncomfortable ride. If you are unsure how to buy used or don't feel comfortable buying used tires, new tires would be a better option.

Number of Kilomtres Per Dollar

Most tire manufacturers publish the number of kilometres for each model and speed rating of tire. A lower price point may be attractive and may initially look like the better option but when you calculate how many kilometres you get for each dollar you spend the picture can change.

number of kilometres / total price = number of kilometres per dollar. This allows you to maximize value for the dollars you spend on tires.


You may have a used set or two of tires and rims from a vehicle that you no longer own that are taking up space at home. Used tire and rim trade-ins can be a great way to offset the cost of buying new tires and/or rims. This allows shops to offer a lower price-point to price sensitive customers. Few places offer this option so call ahead before making a trip and proposing to trade-in your existing tires.

Tire and Rim Financing

Buying tires is a big ticket purchase that usually requires payment in full at the time you are buying them. There are lenders like Wippy and Fix4 Capital who are lending customers money for auto repair loans. These companies typically offer interest free periods whereby you can pay off the loan without paying interest but will pay a borrowing fee. These type of lenders don't use credit checks but instead use your vehicle to secure the loan whether or not you have full title. You can usually choose what length of time and how frequent the payments are over the course of the loan. Be diligent in reading the fine print.

All-Weather Tires

All-weather tires save money in a few indirect ways. Because all-weather tires offer improved traction compared to all-season tires, you can forego winter tires and save money from changing between two sets of tires. Also, you don't need any extra storage space or have to pay to store tires if you don't have extra space.

Mileage is very comparable to all-season tires making them a great all around value if you don't have to venture out in extreme winter weather.

Although all-weather tires provide better traction than all-season tires in winter, they don't provide the same traction as dedicated winter tires.

Insurance Discounts

Automotive insurers are legally required to offer discounted insurance premiums when vehicles have winter tires during specified times from the insurer. Winter tires have been proven to reduce collisions through decreased stopping distances and better handling and traction than all-season tires.

Some insurers offer discounts for drivers using all-weather tires. If you plan on purchasing all-weather tires it's worth contacting your insurer to see if all-weather tire premium discounts are available.

Ordering Online

Some websites offer discounts for ordering tires online. Coupons or discount codes are often provided by providing your email to retailers and signing up for their group newsletters and promotions.

Timing Purchases

By no means should anyone drive on unsafe tires but where safety permits it can be a good idea to time your purchases during changeover seasons to take advantage of tire manufacturer's rebate. Manufacturer's rebates start from $25 on a set of four tires and go up to as high as $150 for a set.

Compare All-In Pricing and Not Per Tire Pricing

When comparing pricing for the same tires across various retailers, it's a good idea to get printed or written estimates with the final or all-in price. Some per tire prices can look attractive but there may be hidden fees like TPMS service fees, extra rags, runflat tire surcharges that substantially increase the final price.

Shop For Value Not Price

Shopping by price often leads to a false bargain. To maximize value, make sure you know what the mileage warranties or additional warranties you get. Brand name manufacturers offer trial periods to ensure you are happy with your tire purchase. Cheaply constructed tires targeting budget conscious customers are not designed to reduce road noise, decrease rolling resistance (affecting fuel consumption), stopping distance, handling or wet traction. Cheaply constructed tires are a bad idea for performance vehicles or electric vehicles given their heavier weights and increased torque. Performance features may be sacrificed to achieve a lower price point.

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